Two new quality certifications for local public transport in the Aosta Valley - Arriva Italia - Aosta - Staging
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Two new quality certifications for local public transport in the Aosta Valley

ANCIS rewards Arriva SAVDA for the quality of service and road safety

Arriva SAVDA, the Aosta Valley local public transport company controlled by the Arriva Italia Group after the audit carried out by ANCIS (National Association for the Certification and Quality of Service Companies), has obtained two certifications that reward the quality of public transport and commitment to road safety.

The first certification, UNI EN 13816: 2002, refers to the quality of the service taking into consideration the following parameters: time (duration of the trip and respect for the timetable), attention to the customer, comfort, safety and environmental impact. The second certification is UNI ISO 39001: 2012, and refers to the road traffic safety management system (RTS – Road traffic safety), an acknowledgment of the actions undertaken and the results achieved by the company with a view to improving prevention. of road accidents.

“We are very satisfied with the awards we have been awarded. Valentina Astori, CEO of Arriva SAVDA declared. The constant implementation of service quality, as well as attention to the environment and safety at work, are among the most important objectives that Arriva SAVDA sets itself, so as to respond to the real and changing needs of passengers through manageable, measurable and doable. These two certifications are not just a goal, but first of all represent a starting point for future results that will increasingly enhance the commitment of our company “.